Bloggers boot camp 14 07 18 cover

A boot camp, bloggers and a friendship journey

After 3 weeks of sessions and practices, Traveling Sunday is finally graduated from this workshop or you may call boot camp ‘Blogger’s boot camp by CP All #2‘ that 60 bloggers were selected from 260 to attend, to learn more how to become bloggers. Although the agendas are about content creating, Facebook reach, social media channels in Thailand, Platforms for bloggers, Consumer insight tools, Statistics e.g. Facebook insight, Ads manager and the famous Google Analytics but I would say that it’s also about friendship and inspiration, as you’d get to know more new friends there plus a chance to talk, to exchange your ideas and techniques about blogging.

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We try our real-time content technique by preparing our team content and present in front of the class and the mentors then comment for better reach, results and it’s not only a week but 3 weeks in a roll. The ‘learning by doing’ matter is then happening here at the workshop.

Apart from academic, digital knowledge and trends side, friendship is what we also got the most too! I could not introduce myself to all of them but the workshop programs are great enough to have all the bloggers in groups and we all can present our assignments on stage and that I called two ways communications or engagement, both from our group members and also from our groups to everyone in the workshop too.

With great support from CP All executives led by khun Banyat ‘Daeng’ Kamnoonwat, Assistant Vice President of CP All, Panyapiwat Institute of Management, the workshop is very successful in terms of establishing blogger’s society in Thailand, networking bond and its knowledge management which we might not see widely. The Moonshot, event organizer that helps making the workshop great bringing all great speakers to lead our ways, to inspire all the bloggers and of course to be our new friends, thanks so much for this.

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BIG thanks to all our great speakers:
The Zero Publishing – Khun Khajorn Chiaranaipanich
Khun Toffy Bradshaw
Wongnai – Khun Name Teeranai Sittichamlong
Workpoint News – Khun Noppatjak Attanon
Content Shifu – Khun Oravee Smithiphol
Thai Webmaster Association – Khun Sarun Bangkusonjit
RainMaker – Khun Naret Nokkaew Tiyawatwittayta

Last but not least, I’d also thank for all ‘bloggers’ friends whom I met, we partnered in group and we party together so that I know who to reach out when I need help along my blogger’s life here in Bangkok. See some shots of week 2 and last week and I urge you all to apply for the next round of this boot camp!

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My take-away points are ‘content is still the king’ and ‘Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle’ so I’ll of course try my best on being a good, creative blogger and now I know where and who to reach for help and support anytime when I need to know more about my blogger’s world.

Follow me Traveling Sunday or visit this site often OK?
More info, you may visit Blogger’s Bootcamp by CP All
See also my 1st blog in Thai about this Blogger’s boot camp by CP All #2

Bloggers boot camp 14 07 18 cover

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